Just so you know, I AM still here.......................still working, still playing, still painting, still praying...I want to write, to channel the insanity from my head and heart onto paper, (or in this case, computer), but the time just does not come.
The busyness of real life intrudes, day after day, all day long, and by the time those few precious moments present themselves, I am numbing myself by stalking Facebook and eating junk food simply for the way it crunches beneath my teeth.
I know...............we hear it all of our life. "YOU NEED TO MAKE TIME for the things you want to do"...I am virtually positive that the person who started that dirty little command had neither job, (let alone two) nor family. And so it goes...............
We are coming up on the holidays, so maybe, just maybe I will find a little pocket of quiet, all alone and feeling inspired, to make music linguistically.............or maybe, just maybe I will find myself locked onto Facebook, (AGAIN) and chewing candy canes, over and over and over again.
In the meantime, my loves................my babies, big and small, my friends,.................those beloved ones who "get" me, my husband........................remember this:
Keep on keeping on. One day we will meet on those golden shores again, and we will have time to talk.
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